
Teacher and Programmer Couple Looking For Long Term Rental in Bergen

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17 000 kr


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Bergen Sentrum


Hello, We are Maria (29) and Michael (30), a couple of 3 years living here in Bergen, looking for a new place to rent here on the long term some time within the next 6 months. We both have full-time careers in Bergen: - Maria: 5-10th grade Teacher at Dansmarksplass with a Master's in Education. - Michael: Computer Programmer in Bergen Sentrum with a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science. We are a clean, quiet, and polite couple with plenty of hobbies and interests to fill our free time: - Maria: Trains Search & Rescue with Norske Redningshunder and runs a small dog food business. - Michael: Enjoys playing guitar and other instruments, coding Video Games, and 3D printing in his days off. We don't smoke, drink, or party. We have two small dogs with us: - Java: 7-year-old Working Cocker Spaniel and Search & Rescue dog in training. - Cosmo: 1.5-year-old Hungarian Mudi and Competitive Obedience and Agility dog in training. Both dogs are well behaved and don't often make much noise at home. We are not in an immediate rush to find a place for now. We have rented our current apartment for the last 6 years very happily but are now searching anew due to a potential upcoming sale of the property. For us, there are a few things that we prioritise: - 2+ Bedrooms. We only have need for 1 and intend on using the other as office space. - Fast and stable internet connection, or at least the ability to have our own subscription. - Light furnishing, utilities such as washing machine, dryer, and fridge. All else is optional. - Close enough to cycle to work, considering that to be within ~10km of Bergen Sentrum. - Car / bicycle parking to be available nearby. For contact, we can arrange everything over messages here on Finn. We are available to talk and meet in person and can provide a landlord's reference upon request. Pricing is negotiable depending on services offered. Communication can be made in Norwegian if preferred, as I am a native speaker. --- Thank you for your time spend reading and do reach out with further questions if needed. - Maria and Michael.


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Sist endret01. juli 2024 20:18

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