
Doktorgradsstipendiat i matematikk / fysikk

Universitetet i Stavanger
Doktorgradsstipendiat i matematikk / fysikk
Bli kjent med Universitetet i Stavanger

Research Fellow

The University of Stavanger invites applications for a doctorate scholarship in Theoretical Particle Physics/Theoretical Cosmology/Algebraic Geometry at the Faculty of Technology and Natural Science in the Department of Mathematics and Natural Science.

This is a trainee position that will mainly give promising researchers an opportunity for professional development leading to a doctoral degree.

The research fellow will be appointed for three years with a possibility of extension to four years with 25% compulsory duties.
The position is vacant from September 1. 2016. The appointee can accede when he/she is admitted to the PhD program in information technology, mathematics and physics, with an agreement to complete the doctorate within the duration of the scholarship.

The topic of the fellowship research project will be within a broad subject area, spanning (not prioritized):
1 Theoretical particle physics, in particular CERN-related theory, heavy-ion collisions
2 Astro-particle physics and physics of the early Universe
3 Theoretical Cosmology and non-Standard Cosmological models
4 Mathematical physics in the context of relativity and string theory
5 Algebraic Geometry

The position is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.

Applicants must have a strong academic background with a five-year master degree in the field of physics or mathematics, preferably recently, or possess corresponding qualifications which could provide a basis for successfully completing a doctorate.

Both the grade for the master?s thesis and the weight average grade of the master?s degree must individually be equivalent to or better than a B grade.

Emphasis will be placed on the applicant?s potential for research in one of the fields listed above, as well as that person?s individual prerequisites for research education. The appointee must be able to work independently and as a member of a team, be creative and innovative. The research fellow must have a good command of both oral and written English.

This fellowship position is important for obtaining a scientific position at a University.

The doctorate will mainly be carried out at the University of Stavanger, with a period of study abroad at a recognized and relevant centre of research.

The research fellow is salaried according to the State Salary Code, l.pl 17.515, code 1017, LR 20, ltr 50 of NOK 430 500 per annum.The position provides for automatic membership in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, which guarantees favourable retirement benefits. Members may also apply for home investment loans at favourable interest rates.

Project description and further information about the position can be obtained from prof Anders Tranberg telephone +4751831859, email: anders.tranberg@uis.no

Information about the appointment procedures can be obtained from Hr consultant Anne Karin Rafos, telephone +4751831711, email anne.k.rafos@uis.no

The University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in its employment practices. The University currently employs few female research fellows within this academic field and women are therefore particularly encouraged to apply.

Certificates/diplomas, references, a list of publications, up to 15 publications, and other documentation that you wish to be considered should be uploaded as attachments to your application. Upload all attachments as separate files. If the total size of attachments exceeds 15 MB, they must be compressed before uploading.


Om arbeidsgiveren

Universitetet i Stavanger (UiS) har omlag 10.100 studenter og 1.530 ansatte. Universitetet ligger i Norges tredje største byregion, med et dynamisk arbeidsmarked og spennende kultur- og fritidsaktiviteter. Vi er eneste norske medlem av European Consortium of Innovative Universities. Universitetet har store ambisjoner. Vi skal være en drivkraft i regionens kunnskapsutvikling og et internasjonalt forskningsuniversitet med vekt på nyskapning og innovasjon. Sammen med våre ansatte og studenter vil vi løfte blikket, og våge å tenke stort og nytt ? vi vil utfordre det velkjente og utforske det ukjente.

Institutt for matematikk og naturvitenskap, som er en del av Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, tilbyr studier fra bachelor, via mastergrad til doktorgrad. Instituttet har stor spennvidde og dekker fagområdene biologisk kjemi, kjemi og miljø, matematikk og fysikk. Instituttet har ansvar for all grunnleggende realfagsundervisning ved fakultetet. Som en del av instituttet inngår forskningssenteret Core ? Senter for organelleforskning. Det er i dag 90 ansatte (inklusiv stipendiater og postdoktorer) og 400 studenter er tilknyttet instituttet.

Arbeidssted: Ullandhaug, 4036 Stavanger
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Arbeidssted: Ullandhaug, 4036 Stavanger


FINN-kode 70682581
Sist endret 3. feb. 2016 14:43

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