
Postdoctoral Fellow or Researcher in colorectal cancer omics

Oslo universitetssykehus HF
Postdoctoral Fellow/Researcher
Bli kjent med Oslo universitetssykehus

The opportunity:
The CRCbiome group is seeking a postdoctoral fellow or a researcher to explore the role of the microbiome and the epigenome in colorectal cancer development. Our exciting new project brings together a multidisciplinary team funded by South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority. The project will integrate multi-omics with clinical and lifestyle data with the overall aim of identifying screening biomarkers. In this 3-year position the postdoctoral fellow/researcher will analyse omics data collected from over 2,000 samples and be central to the project’s scientific publications.

The team:
The CRCbiome group (www.kreftregisteret.no/en/CRC-biome) is a collaborative and multidisciplinary team with expertise in omics, bioinformatics, nutrition, gastroenterology, molecular biology, statistics and more. The group consists of researchers, postdocs, PhDs, research support and master students. The project is a collaboration between the Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo University Hospital and the University of Oslo and more.

Oslo University Hospital is a workplace with great diversity. We believe this is absolutely crucial to solving the tasks required of us. We therefore want this diversity to be reflected among the applicants for our positions and encourage everyone to apply regardless of who you are and what background you have. 

About the role/you:

You will analyse the extended gut microbiome, including viruses and fungi, along with our microbiome experts. You will also drive the validation of RNA biomarkers and perform epigenome analyses on FFPE tissue and be responsible for interpretation and communication of results to the scientific and general population.
You must have a PhD and should have a proven track record in statistics, bioinformatics or molecular biology, preferably within the field of cancer biology, and a strong interest in multi-omics analyses. Experience with epigenome analyses is desirable. We are looking for a team player who can work with staff in our wet and dry labs and with clinical collaborators to accomplish our scientific goals. You are expected to play a vital role in writing up the studies and should have excellent written and oral communication skills in English. You will be embedded in multidisciplinary research environments across institutions in the Oslo region and become a valued member of our team. 

We can offer:

An inspiring working environment with possibilities to enhance skills and your academic career at the cross-section between cancer research and multi-omics. We can offer a research position if you have experience as a Postdoctoral Fellow, and will provide good welfare schemes.
Relevant publication of the team:
Kværner AS, Birkeland E, Bucher-Johannessen C, Vinberg E, Nordby JI, Kangas H, Bemanian V, Ellonen P, Botteri E, Natvig E, Rognes T, Hovig E, Lyle R, Ambur OH, de Vos WM, Bultman S, Hjartåker A, Landberg R, Song M, Ursin G, Randel KR, de Lange T, Hoff G, Holme Ø, Berstad P, Rounge TB, 2021, The CRCbiome study: a large prospective cohort study examining the role of lifestyle and the gut microbiome in colorectal cancer screening participants, BMC Cancer, https://bmccancer.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12885-021-08640-8

Om arbeidsgiveren

Oslo University Hospital is a highly specialized hospital in charge of extensive regional and local hospital assignments. As Scandinavia’s largest hospital, we carry out more than 1.2 million patient treatments each year. The hospital has a nationwide responsibility for a number of national and multi-regional assignments, and has several national centers of competence. Oslo University Hospital is responsible for approximately 50 percent of all medical and health care research conducted at Norwegian hospitals, and is a significant role player within the education of a large variety of health care personnel. 

Ullernchaussen 70, 0379 Oslo
Forskning, utdanning og vitenskap


Forskning, kreft, Radiumhospitalet, Kreftregisteret, OUS

Spørsmål om stillingen

Trine B Rounge
99 60 43 04
Eivind Hovig
Head of Unit
93 06 98 81
Følg firma
4390 følger dette firmaet

Ullernchaussen 70, 0379 Oslo


FINN-kode 251929873
Sist endret 20. mar. 2022 09:47

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