
Wellsite geologist

Personalhuset, Bergen
Wellsite geologist
Snarest mulig


o Contribute to obtain Equinor's HSE goals by active participation in the HSE work on the rig/platform.
o Ensure compliance with Equinor's security requirements.
o Ensure that established routines for wellsite geology work is being followed (ref GL3549)
o Continuously follow up well signals and evaluate pore pressure and borehole stability. Contribute to avoid well control incidents. (Extremely important for HPHT wells)
o Ensure that data acquisition is performed in accordance with activity program, detailed operations procedures and best practice.
o Perform quality control of drilling and geological data related to formation evaluation.
o Supervise service companies related to data acquisition.
o Immediately inform the Drilling Supervisor about geo operational issues that can influence safety, cost or well objectives. Advise on geological and reservoir technical issues.
o Ensure that all non-conformances are immediately discussed with the Operations Geologist, and properly documented.
o Keep the Operations Geologist continuously posted about well status.
o Prepare preliminary interpretations based on all data available and contribute to the final geological well products.
o Ensure that geological reports and logs are prepared and finalized. Wellsite geologists involved in drilling of HPHT wells and MPD (managed pressure drilling) shall be competent and familiar with the equipment and operational procedures. The following E-learning courses are mandatory:
o Well integrity basic
o MPO basic


o Master degree and 4+ years relevant experience (including HPHT experience) OR Bachelor degree an 6+ years relevant experience (including HPHT experience)
o Language Requirements: English


Location: Offshore
Duration: 15.03.2022 - 31.12.2022
Commuters accepted within Norway

Om arbeidsgiveren

Personalhuset er et av landets største rekrutterings- og bemanningsselskaper. Vi er en del av Otiga Group - et nordisk konsern bestående av flere selskaper innen rekruttering, bemanning, omstilling og konsulenttjenester. Med våre 20 avdelinger fra nord til sør er vi store nok til å hjelpe, men liten nok til å bry oss. Til sammen er vi over 120 ansatte som hver dag jobber for å inspirere, utfordre og bry oss om våre kunder og medarbeidere.

Vi er en nær og personlig rekrutteringspartner og arbeidsgiver. Gjennom effektive leveranser bidrar vi med rett kompetanse slik at våre kunder får løst sine samfunnskritiske oppgaver. Vi jobber for å bidra til økt verdiskapning, inkludering og mangfold i arbeidslivet. Vårt mål er å være ledende i bransjen på mangfold, likestilling og fordomsfri rekruttering. Hver dag jobber vi sammen for å skape fremtidens arbeidsliv - et arbeidsliv som er dynamisk, fleksibelt, fordomsfritt og inkluderende.

Antall stillinger
5253 Sandsli
Olje og gass


Wellsite, Geologist, HPHT

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Stine Hofstad
98 29 52 64
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5253 Sandsli


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Sist endret 20. jan. 2022 00:49

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