
Looking for an opportunity to make a difference?

Data Scientist
Bli kjent med Storebrand

We are looking for a new Data Scientist! 

Our Analytics team is looking for an Applied Data Scientist to strengthen our team. Each day our business is becoming more interested and leveraged by data. All this information needs to be analyzed and be made available for the business stakeholders. The Storebrand Analytics team is centrally organized, that means that we have responsibilities to serve the whole company. Our work is mainly done on a project basis where you will have support from our other Data Scientists, Analyst and Engineers.

Our Analytics team works with state-of-the-art tooling in the Microsoft Azure environment. You'll be expected to be comfortable with Cloud infrastructure, Python, new tools and love to explore new avenues.

What does a day for a Data Scientist look like?
Each day will be slightly different, but there are common threads. Your task is to create new models and update existing ones using new tools and packages to improve their reliability and performance. You need to generate a solid understanding of the business problem and underlying data before starting off. Also, you'll be expected to be interacting with business stakeholders throughout the process. 

We have a vast and interesting pool of projects where our data scientist try to answer: "which customers to sell to," "who is likely to commit fraud," "how long customers will remain with us," "what the next action is for a given customer?," and you can expect to work on solving problems of that kind. You'll be responsible for curating, cleaning, feature-engineering and generating models. You'll have to combine the data and create intelligible insights. Combinedly, this forms most of your working day. Whence you've established a model you will make descriptive analyses to explain the findings and, together with our Data Analyst, present back to our stakeholders. This will be the remainder of your day. 

Your responsibilities and tasks

  • Extract / combine data-sources
  • Generate explorative and predictive models 
  • Visualize findings
  • Use analytical skills to create new business opportunities
  • Present and recommend concreate steps
  • Be an active discussion partner for the business

Your qualifications

  • Masters or PhD or equivalent education
  • Minimum of 2 years of experience with statistics, mathematics, engineering or computer science
  • Good knowledge of SQL, Python
  • Experience with predictive model creation and effect measurement
  • Skilled in using statistics and statistical methods
  • Familiarity with a variety of Data Science-tools (e.g., Jupyter, DataBricks, Scala, R)
  • Some knowledge of cloud platforms (e.g., Azure, GCP, AWS) and modern deployment and integration frameworks (Docker, REST) is considered a plus, but not a must

Your characteristics 

  • Being strong analytically minded
  • Having a structured working approach
  • Solid communication skills 
  • Proactive (find answers to questions that haven't been asked yet)
  • Fluent in English
  • Understanding Norwegian (you need to understand written text and verbal speech)

Context: most of the documentation and team-communication is in English whilst some business stakeholders typically favor Norwegian.

For questions about the position, contact Jeroen van Zeeland at Jeroen.van.zeeland@storebrand.no  or +47 468 56 189.

Application deadline 1 March

Om arbeidsgiveren

Vil du være med å bidra?

Storebrand er en ledende aktør i det nordiske markedet for langsiktig sparing og forsikring. Vi ønsker oss de beste med på laget når vi skaper fremtidens Storebrand, og gir vårt bidrag til en bærekraftig utvikling – vil du bli med?

Storebrands ambisjon for de neste årene er å bygge et sparekonsern i verdensklasse, støttet av forsikring. Vi skal levere produkter og tjenester nærmest kunden og gjøre kundedrevet innovasjon og utvikling. Vi skal levere trygghet og frihet for kundene våre, i dag og for fremtiden. Vår drivkraft om å skape en fremtid å glede seg til, handler også om å jobbe for å nå FNs bærekraftsmål. I kjernen av vår sparestrategi ligger bærekraftige og samfunnsansvarlige investeringer. Les mer om vårt arbeid med bærekraft her.

Hos oss jobber du i et fremtidsrettet miljø med store muligheter for påvirkning og personlig utvikling. Har du egenskapene, erfaringen og kunnskapen som skal til? Da vil vi gjerne høre fra deg.

Professor Kohts vei 9, 1327 Lysaker
Bank, finans og forsikring
IT utvikling / Utvikler (generell),
Forretningsutvikling og strategi


Applied Data, Sustainability, Development, Oslo

Spørsmål om stillingen

Jeroen Van Zeeland
Leder Analytics
Følg firma
1471 følger dette firmaet

Professor Kohts vei 9, 1327 Lysaker


FINN-kode 170936704
Sist endret 2. mar. 2020 00:14

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